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Download Link: Clash of Clans Font
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Supercell Clash of Clans Font

Saturday, June 13, 2015
Posted by Omegansph

If you just saw the Super Bowl, then you just saw the Clash of Clans commercial featuring Liam Neeson, who appeared quite... taken with the game. (Sorry!) If you're taken with it too, then you'll want to make sure you get the most out of it!

If you're not familiar with Clash of Clans, it's a a game where you build forts with gold and elixir resources. Buildings are dragged and dropped however players like, and resources are collected and stored whenever you hop into the game. Over time, they build an army of various troop types. They can be taken on single player missions to raze the villages of nearby goblins, or on raiding parties of neighboring villages. Similarly, other players can raid your town, but don't worry, nothing is permanently destroyed (though they can snatch some of your gold and elixir). Players earn and lose trophies through their multiplayer raids, and band together in clans in order to concentrate their attacks.

It sounds simple, but there's a lot more to it. And we're here to help!


The biggest caveat with any casual free-to-play game is the premium currency system. Just about everything is on some kind of timer, and as you progress, those timers get longer. Don’t cave and spend your precious gems on speeding up production - save them for something important that you get to keep. Make a point to complete missions and clear natural obstacles to build your gem count. Maybe it’s a building that’s only available for a limited time. Maybe it’s your next builder’s hut. The point is, you need to save the gems you earn from missions and terrain clearing for stuff that’s more than just a convenience. You shouldn’t even spend the gems they suggest you do during the beginning tutorial session.

When you do have enough gems, think long and hard about what’s important to you in the game, since if you want to get through this without paying dime, it’ll take awhile before you make another major purchase. On the flip side, you’ll have a hard time getting through the competitive end-game content without spending some cash.

That said, if timers have got you down, play a few other games and cycle through them. Candy Crush Saga and Tapped Out are both solid options. A top-ranked Clash player actually went out and made his own similar game, Samurai Siege, and Gameloft has a Rome-themed knock-off called Total Conquest.


Your upgrade and build order will vary significantly based on if you want to sit back and collect resources, or take the fight to other players. Odds are you'll regularly be bouncing between these two. If defense is your primary interest, your first upgrade should be your town hall, then walls, then defensive structures - first mortar, then archer tower, then cannons. Mortar and air defense are your most important towers, so make sure they’re close to the middle and have lots of protection. After that, start working on your various resource production buildings, and make sure they’re fully upgraded. Some players intentionally leave a few elixir gatherers and mines outside the walls so other players can farm them without destroying everything they have, though it’s often practical to leave lower-priority buildings like those outside your walls so you can make sure the important stuff is better-protected with overlapping fields of fire rather than covering a wider area.

Also, remember that players with higher level town halls earn less from raiding lower-level players - don’t be in a rush to upgrade your town hall if you’re playing defensively. Just because you're playing defensively means you should neglect your barracks - in fact, you can queue up troops to train there, and then get a refund on those in the queue later on, turning your barracks into a kind of temporary, unraidable elixir storage.

If you’re getting aggressive, the order is similar. First build up your town hall, then get your elixir production up and running so you can start stockpiling resources right away. Then get your barracks and camps upgraded so you can get started on building an army. Neither of those structures provide resources to raiders, so feel free to plant them outside your walls. After that, flesh out your defenses with walls and cannons.

The only things left would be the laboratory for upgrading troops, spell factory for added offensive power, and gold mines for upgrading structures.Since matchmaking is based on trophy count, some players intentionally keep theirs low so they can clean up against lower-level players, so be careful about which fights you pick early on. That said, if you want to farm players that are lower level than you, intentionally lose trophies by raiding with a single unit.


Getting attacked can suck, but luckily if 40% of your town is destroyed, or your Town Hall comes crumbling down, you’ll have a 12-hour shield. If 90% of your base is wiped out, you’ll get an extra four hours. How do you best make use of this time? Well, don’t go out and start attacking right away, that’s for sure. That will cancel out your shield immediately.

The safety time is valuable, so use it to your advantage - take some time to figure out how you can improve your economy, build up your army, upgrade towers (since they don’t fire when upgrading) or simply stockpile and spend resources before the pain train comes rolling around again. Shields are useful enough that you may even want to voluntarily move your town hall out into the open; you'll lose trophies and some resources, but often the amount of safety time you get out of it is worth it. If you get really itchy for battle, remember that Clan Wars don't affect your shield timers at all.


The core strategic mechanic of Clash of Clans combat is to have as many walls between your resources and the outside as possible. To do this, you’ll want to make sure there are no gaps in your perimeter, and definitely make sure that there are no spawnable tiles within your base. You’ll want to make sure that structures are tight together, so cannons and other defensive structures can cover as many of them as possible.

Putting your buildings into small compartments formed by upgraded walls is vital to slowing an enemy's advance. You’ll also want to have your most powerful defenses positioned more closely to the center of your base; provide as much of a buffer zone with other buildings and walls as possible, so attacking troops have to take longer chewing on other stuff to get to the guns.


When finding opponents, there are a few things you want to take into account before you start dropping troops. First, look at their Town Hall level - if it’s far lower than yours, you’ll be getting a smaller cut of the spoils. You’ll get to see exactly how many resources are available for plundering. At the very least, you want to be able to earn back the resources you spend on troops. If resources are all you're after, it's often more profitable to send in a handful of goblins than a full-blown assault.

Before you deploy your first troop, be aware of which resources you’re going for. If you’re going for trophies to climb the ranks, you’ll need to be investing a lot of troops to get two or three stars on your raid. You’ll also want to tap elixir reserves if you want to replenish (or earn back) resources for troops. Once you've done that, it's simply a matter of targeting the most powerful defenses for those resources.Use giants to draw fire from towers initially, then wall breakers to breach, then more giants to mop up defenses. Barbarians, wizards, and archers can chew on structures once areas have been cleared of cannon and mortar fire, while goblins can bee-line for resources. Be mindful of how many troops you drop in, though. You want to be able to pull off a win while burning through as few as possible.

Remember that you have no direct control over your troops - know what the unit’s favorite targets are and deploy accordingly. Barbarians will run head-first at the nearest building, which isn’t great news if there’s a well-defended mortar just a little further in. Send the wall breakers and giants in first to take care of that first. Smart players will create bases that funnel troops right into areas with a ton of traps, which can blunt your offensive very quickly.


Once you’ve maxed-out your village level, gone through the single-player levels, and rebuilt your castle, you’re probably pretty hardcore about the game and ready to start getting into organized clan play. Not only are these great ways to socialize in the game, but coordinated attacks can help you bring in some pretty good hauls, too.

Keep in mind that although you can use clans to call in back-up, you’ll be expected to contribute troops too - it’s a team effort, after all. Communicate regularly about what you’re up to, get advice from senior members when you’re trying to figure out what to do next, and have fun! Your clan may have aspirations for competitive league play, which can get pretty intense.


Attack unstarred villages first, since you and your clan have the most to gain from attacking them. When picking targets for the first time in Clan Wars, let the game's matchmaking figure out a good opponent for you. If you end up succeeding against tougher opponents, your lower level allies may have a hard time dealing with an equivalent increase in challenge. If you go for easy ones, then you're taking away good opponents for those lower-level allies, forcing them into battles they can't win. Punch your weight, and the whole clan wins.


You've got a whole day to prepare before war kicks off. Use the scout function for your target enemy encampment to get a lay of the land, and build your army around defeating it. If the walls are low level, go land. If the air defense isn't upgraded, go air. Make specific requests in your clan chat for the types of troops you want to send in. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of who you are attacking will help you build the best army to take it on.


Clash of Clans Tips 2

Friday, June 12, 2015
Posted by Omegansph

Clash of Clans is popular because it's built to be simple enough for kids to play, with minimal yet consistent time requirements that leave you checking in on your village frequently. It's fun, if a little addictive, especially when you get friends together to join a clan and start wars as a group.

While most elements of the game are fairly straighforward, there's a couple of things you need to know if you want to quickly climb the ranks and prove that you are the best among your friends. With that in mind, we've assembled a couple of tips that will give you an edge over your opponents no matter what level you are currently at.


Clash of Clans is a resource-based strategy game, and like all good resource-based strategy games you need to quickly establish as many resource collectors as possible in order to get anywhere. Building an army and attacking other villages is a ton of fun, but every minute you spend waiting for resources is a minute you're not burning someone's village to the ground, so focus on resource collection first and do it right.

Make sure you build the maximum number of Gold and Elixir collectors allowed by your Town Hall, and level those collectors up as frequently as possible. The same goes for your resource storage collectors, especially if you want to level up your Town Hall quickly. You need to be able to store resources in vast quantities to afford Town Hall upgrades, and especially in the early stages of the game this is very important.


Your Gold and Elixir are produced at a constant, predictable rate. To optimize the number of times you are checking in on your clan, take a look at the information tab for your resource generators. You'll see the rate that each system produces Gold or Elixir, and the total amount of that resource each system can hold before you need to dump that resource into their storage containers. It's quick math, just divide the rate per hour by the total and the answer is how many hours you have until that collector is full.

If your resource collectors are all the same level, you can even set alarms on your phone to remind you to check every couple of hours. This ensures you aren't losing time where your collectors are full, and you'll be able to grow your village much faster.


Leveling up your Town Hall gives you access to a whole new range of things, and that almost always means it's time to build yourself a bigger base. If you've decided to build your walls out bigger than you need so there's room for expansion inside your village, you've probably noticed that the enemy will sometimes spawn inside your base and start wreaking havok. Fixing this is easy, as you just move the walls or fill in the space behind the walls, but it's important to remember that any gap inside your village will leave an opening for your opponent to exploit.

To create a zero-gap base, move any building and pay attention to the white space that appears when you set the building down. As long as there are no gaps in that white space inside your base, your opponent will have to spawn from the outside and fight in to get to your village. This is also why you see people put buildings outside of their walls, as it increases the distance the enemy soldier has to travel in order to reach the base and leaves those soldiers open to be weakened by your defenses.


Clash of Clans allows users to purchase shield time, which makes it so other players can't attack you. It's a nice idea as features go, but there's another way to get shields and while it's a little less dignified you don't have to pay in-game currency to get it. After you've taken a beating, the game throws up a shield for set amounts of time to aid in the recovery effort. Both kinds of shield go away if you decide to launch an attack on another player, and if you were just 100% wiped out by another player you probably don't want to do that.

Pay attention to your shield time, and use that to adjust your village so you are able to defend better next time.


It doesn't take long for you to outgrow whatever little patch of land you choose to settle in on your map in Clash of Clans, and that means you have to spend some resources clearing the landscape a bit. For lower level folk it's something of an expensive undertaking, but it must be done. Each map starts with 40 random obstacles on the map, with a couple of obstacles that respawn occasionally. As an incentive, clearing your map will earn your village both Gems and experience, so even if you've cleared everything you need to grow your village it doesn't hurt to knock a few more boulders and trees out of the way while you're waiting for something to upgrade.

You will also occasionally come across holiday themed obstacles as well as Gem boxes. These aren't the same as your regular obstacles, as the holiday gear will net you Gold and the Gem box will net you 25 Gems. Eventually, you'll reach milestone achievements for clearing 10, 50, and 100 obstacles. These achievements will earn you even more Gems, so keep clearing.


Even when your shields are up, you can use your horde to attack Goblin villages in single player mode. While there are no trophies to be won for destroying a Goblin village, if you are smart about your attacks and don't just dump 100 warriors on the field it's not a bad way to make some quick cash in the game. You can also use the single player missions to unlock achievements, which earns you small amounts of Gems each time.

While Goblin villages are never designed the way human players set up their villages, due to the differences in building types and access to way more walls than humans have access to, these missions are a decent way to learn the best ways to take out defense turrets. Plus, you can replay the same mission over and over to try out new tactics, though you don't get any payout the second time.


Whether your opponent is spamming your village with warriors or there's a handful of giants smashing your walls, Mortar turrets are your best friend if you use them right. Every turret has a clear advantage and disadvantage, but the Mortar's ability to deal area damage is a huge deal for everyone. Unfortunately, as is often the case with Mortars, there's a minimum range they can shoot to avoid dealing damage to itself.

You need to put your Mortar in a place that defends as much of your village as possible, but in order to keep it safe you need to make that location difficult to get to. Use whatever you think is best, including walls, traps, and even other defense turrets. The longer you can keep the enemy in that white ring, the greater your chances of success will be.


Your Clan Castle is a lot more than just a shining beacon that lets everyone know you are part of a team. It's also an outpost for soldiers from your other clansmen, and if you have troops in that clan castle they will spring to life and attack enemies that have come to lay waste to your village. Unfortunately, you can't just train troops and send them to your clan castle. You have to request troops from your clansmen, and whatever they provide you with is what you get.

Talk to your fellow clanners and form a plan for what troops get sent where. The number of troops you can hold depends on what level your Clan Castle is, so be sure to level up and make sure everyone in your clan requests troops as frequently as possible.

SOURCE: AndroidAuthority

Clash of Clans Tips 1

Posted by Omegansph
Download Link: Clash of Clans
Size: 43.4MB
Android Apps
Minimum Requirements: 1 GHz or higher CPU; 512 MB ram, Tegra 2, SGX 540, Mali 400, Adreno 205 or higher,48 mb free space and 4.0.3+ Android O/S


From rage-­filled Barbarians with glorious mustaches to pyromaniac wizards, raise your own army and lead your clan to victory! Build your village to fend off raiders, battle against millions of players worldwide, and forge a powerful clan with others to destroy enemy clans.

PLEASE NOTE! Clash of Clans is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you do not want to use this feature, please set up password protection for purchases in the settings of your Google Play Store app. Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Clash of Clans.

A network connection is also required.

● Build your village into an unbeatable fortress
● Raise your own army of Barbarians, Archers, Hog Riders, Wizards, Dragons and other mighty fighters
● Battle with players worldwide and take their Trophies
● Join together with other players to form the ultimate Clan
● Fight against rival Clans in epic Clan Wars
● Build 18 unique units with multiple levels of upgrades
● Discover your favorite attacking army from countless combinations of troops, spells, Heroes and Clan reinforcements
● Defend your village with a multitude of Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Traps and Walls
● Fight against the Goblin King in a campaign through the realm

Clash of Clans proudly announces over five million five star reviews on Google Play.

Chief, are you having problems? Visit or or contact us in game by going to Settings > Help and Support.

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Terms of Service:

Parent’s Guide:

Clash of Clans

Posted by Omegansph

BlueStacks HD App Player Pro is a plateform that allows you to run applications, including games written for OS Android – on desktops, laptops and tablets and also this package contains all files to install it offline. This is a special program that uses a technology called LayerCake, which provides the correct environment for running applications for ARM-Android on a computer running Windows. Get Root (right super – user).

After you install BlueStacks on your Windows PC, you can download directly from the program needed Android-app, without having to use the Android-based smartphone. BlueStacks looks pretty neat and fits naturally into the interface Windows.

Features List

  1. Run Android applications in full-screen and not only.
  2. Through the cloud download your application from the phone to Windows.
  3. In 16 player preinstalled applications and you can play them if there is no number.
  4. Ability to set an unlimited number of applications.
  5. Ability to play 3D games (cache).
  6. You can set a home screen (Launcher) to replace the standard, etc.
  7. Sync with your Android device will allow you to make calls, send SMS, take pictures and more.
  8. Has a lot of settings and system settings Android (Although they are slightly trimmed)
  9. Knows how to install applications from a computer at the touch of them
  10. Ability to obtain Root (full access to the file system, etc.)
  11. You can set Google Play, simply speaking market.
  12. BlueStacks great friends with ADB is a very big plus, if you really want, you can change the firmware.
  13. Ability to turn in FastBoot and Recovery.
  14. BluesStacks has virtual disk, such as SD Card, Data, and a few others. Which again gives you the opportunity to do a lot of “body” motions with it and enjoy all its charms.
  15. Ability to obtain Root (full access to the file system)
What’s New ?
Major bug fixed with enhanced performance

Older Cracked Version Info
  1. Simple Launcher Interface
  2. SuperUser Support
  3. Import Windows Files directly from your PC to bluestacks
  4. Root Explorer Support
  5. Advanced Calculator Support
  6. Clock, Camera, and other accessories support
  7. Root Checker Support
  8. Build in Media Player which run mp3, mp4 and many other formats easily
  9. Many more…
How to Run Speed Up BlueStacks ?
  • Press Start Button with “R” Key [image]
  • Search the regedit in newly opened windows [image]
  • Click on HEKY_LOCAL_MACHINE >>> SOFTWARE [image]
  • Then select Bluestacks >>> Android >>> Hit enter on Memory and replace 300 to 600; then click on decimal and click “OK”
  • That’s it; you will have successfully speed up your bluestacks
How to Install?
  • Extract winrar files and run given app as an administrator
  • Just wait and follow the instructions during installation of setup into your PC
  • After Completing the installation; Bluestacks will automatically launch; just select some options which will appear on screen
  • That’s it. Now run your all apps which supports the Android 4.4.2 and earlier.
Download Link: BlueStacks App Player MOD [Offline]

This app is made by some fans of Clash of Clans and we have no

connection with the owner of the game.Protect your village by auto reloading Clash of Clans every few minutes, so the game is always active and keep your village away from attackers ! Just one click to start and one click to stop, it’s like opening your COC shield for free without using any gems.Useful when waiting to train your troops or keep your COC village safe through the night. Remember to charge your Android devices if you will be away for a long time!This tool is made for COC lovers, it does not cheat or hack or modify any data of the game.

NOTE: No Root Required!

Features of Clash Of Clans Auto Reloader

    No Need of Buying Shield with Gems.
    Your village is safe through the night.
    This is an Anti-Ban tool.Safe to use
    Doesn’t Hack or Modify any data of the game.
    Reloads the game Every few minutes.
    Attacker can’t attack you till you stop Auto Reloader

How to Use?

    Download and Install CoC Auto Reloader .
    Open CoC Auto Reloader.
    Tap on Start.
    Tap Stop when you want to Play it Agian.


  1. Don’t close your internet connection till you use it.
  2. Don’t forget to stop Auto Reloader before playing CoC Again.
  3. Before using this tool make sure you connect your village with your account for backup.
  4. Don’t forget to charge your Device.
  5. You might not be able to use your device till it works.As it keeps on Reloading
  6. Sometimes your game is disconnected by supercell for playing for toll long time.This doesn’t mean your account is banned you can again open the game after 10 minutes.
  7. Don’t forget to read this whole post carefully.

Published on Feb 1, 2015

I don't know you, BigBuffetBoy85
But if you think you can humiliate me and take my gold, think again.

Oh, I am coming for you with lots of Barbarians and Dragons. I can't wait to destroy your village, while you beg for mercy, but you will get no mercy. I will have my revenge.

(Li-am, I have a scone for Li-am)

Um, over here.

It's... Liam.

Revenge (Official Super Bowl TV Commercial)

Thursday, June 11, 2015
Posted by Omegansph
Published on Dec 23, 2013

The first ever Clash of Clans Television Advertisement! Your very own army of misfits: Barbarians, Archers, Hog Riders, Wallbreakers, Giants and more. 


You and This Army

Posted by Omegansph

*All other features are available for free
    Wall upgrading
    Buildings upgrading
    King auto activating ability
    Queen auto activating ability
    Change deploy speeds of the troops
    Change wave speeds of the troops
    TownHall sniping
    Smart lighting spell for dark storage
    Set cast lighting spell for dark storage
    Attack near red lines
    Pushbullet system with all its features!

Release 6.2.9 Contains:
    Fixed Donate/Train Only Mode
    Fixed Donation Errors
    Enhanced Wall Images For Level 4,5,8,10 Walls
    Enhanced Townhall Images for TH7, TH8 & TH9
    Improved Donating Function
    Improved Wall Upgrading Function
    Improved Townhall Checking Function
    Improved getChar Function
    Debug added to Townhall Checks

    Remember to delete the Config.ini file
    Your LOGS and SCREENSHOTS are now inside of Profile folder!
    Trophy range means: If trophies are above y then drop to x

Download Link: Free Download Clashbot 6.2.9
Skip Ads to download files  


Clashbot 6.2.9

Posted by Omegansph
Published on May 11, 2015

Official TV Commercial of the Hog Rider singing about his love for Balloons, or is it an air attack? Yea... It's probably air attack! Mass Balloons! Look for our ads during Champions League, NBA and NFL Playoffs!

From rage-­filled Barbarians with glorious mustaches to pyromaniac wizards, raise your own army and lead your clan to victory! Build your village to fend off raiders, battle against millions of players worldwide, and forge a powerful clan with others to destroy enemy clans.
PLEASE NOTE! Clash of Clans is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money

Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Clash of Clans.
A network connection is also required.


- Build your village into an unbeatable fortress
- Raise your own army of Barbarians, Archers, Hog Riders, Wizards, Dragons and other mighty fighters
- Battle with players worldwide and take their Trophies
- Join together with other players to form the ultimate Clan
- Fight against rival Clans in epic Clan Wars
- Build 18 unique units with multiple levels of upgrades
- Discover your favorite attacking army from countless combinations of troops, spells, Heroes and Clan reinforcements
- Defend your village with a multitude of Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Traps and Walls
- Fight against the Goblin King in a campaign through the realm


Balloon Parade

Posted by Omegansph
Published on May 11, 2015

Zap! Look out for hidden Teslas!!! They’re everywhere, like in this new Official Clash of Clans TV Commercial starring the Wallbreaker doing the wave with other Clash of Clans troops Archer, Barbarian and Hog Rider. Look for our ads during Champions League, NBA and NFL Playoffs! From rage-­filled Barbarians with glorious mustaches to pyromaniac wizards, raise your own army and lead your clan to victory! Build your village to fend off raiders, battle against millions of players worldwide, and forge a powerful clan with others to destroy enemy clans. PLEASE NOTE! Clash of Clans is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Clash of Clans. A network connection is also required. 


- Build your village into an unbeatable fortress
- Raise your own army of Barbarians, Archers, Hog Riders, Wizards, Dragons and other mighty fighters
- Battle with players worldwide and take their Trophies
- Join together with other players to form the ultimate Clan
- Fight against rival Clans in epic Clan Wars
- Build 18 unique units with multiple levels of upgrades
- Discover your favorite attacking army from countless combinations of troops, spells, Heroes and Clan reinforcements
- Defend your village with a multitude of Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Traps and Walls
- Fight against the Goblin King in a campaign through the realm


Shocking Moves

Posted by Omegansph
Published on May 11, 2015

Watch the latest Clash of Clans TV Commercial featuring the Hog Rider and his friends! Wondered how mass Hog Rider attacks work? Now you know. The Hog Rider calls his fellow hogs into battle against Archers, Barbarians, Giants, Wizards and more. When Hog Riders aren't busy in the bath tub, working on their Tai Chi, arm wrestling barbarians, or playing cards with their hogs, they're ready to ride into battle in your favorite mobile game! Look for our ads during Champions League, NBA and NFL Playoffs!

From rage-­filled Barbarians with glorious mustaches to pyromaniac wizards, raise your own army and lead your clan to victory! Build your village to fend off raiders, battle against millions of players worldwide, and forge a powerful clan with others to destroy enemy clans.
PLEASE NOTE! Clash of Clans is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money

Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Clash of Clans.
A network connection is also required.


- Build your village into an unbeatable fortress
- Raise your own army of Barbarians, Archers, Hog Riders, Wizards, Dragons and other mighty fighters
- Battle with players worldwide and take their Trophies
- Join together with other players to form the ultimate Clan
- Fight against rival Clans in epic Clan Wars
- Build 18 unique units with multiple levels of upgrades
- Discover your favorite attacking army from countless combinations of troops, spells, Heroes and Clan reinforcements
- Defend your village with a multitude of Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Traps and Walls
- Fight against the Goblin King in a campaign through the realm


Ride of the Hog Riders

Posted by Omegansph

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